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Javascript is a code that runs on the browser side of the page (the user side). It can be used in many functions like verifying user input before sending data to the server, and making client side effects

Below we have included a sample of possible applications that we could use in your webpage design.

Dynamic Imaging

This is a sample of using Javascript to control the display of images. Click on any of the small thumb and you will see the bigger sized version.

Animated Mini Tabs

A sleek animation effect using tabs for a slide navigation bar. Degrades very nicely when JavaScript is turned-off.

Date display

Basic date display script in English & Arabic

Date display

Add hidden comments within the text of an article. The user can view them by clicking on the marked words. Click again and they are hidden once more. See the sample below.

The W3C World Wide Web Consortium develops interoperable technologies specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential. To achieve the goal of one Web, specifications for the Web's formats and protocols must be compatible with one another and allow (any) hardware and software used to access the Web to work together. Since 1994, the W3C has produced more than ninety Web standards W3C Recommendations.

Quick Calculations
لمعرفة أحد المعطيات أدخل أي إثنين:
ثمن العقار:
الدخل الشهري:
النسبة: %

* Free JavaScripts provided by The JavaScript Source