Public general use code classes and xml files that we've compiled and used over the years:
Image processing support class.
1: using System;
2: using System.Drawing;
3: using System.Drawing.Imaging;
4: using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
5: using System.IO;
6: using System.Security.Cryptography;
7: using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
9: namespace Ia.Cl.Models
10: {
11: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13: /// <summary publish="true">
14: /// Image processing support class.
15: /// </summary>
16: /// <remarks>
17: /// Copyright � 2001-2024 Jasem Y. Al-Shamlan (, Integrated Applications - Kuwait. All Rights Reserved.
18: ///
19: /// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20: /// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
21: ///
22: /// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23: /// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
24: ///
25: /// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library. If not, see
26: ///
27: /// Copyright notice: This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
28: /// </remarks>
29: public class Image
30: {
31: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33: /// <summary>
34: ///
35: /// </summary>
36: public Image()
37: {
38: }
40: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42: /// <summary>
43: ///
44: /// </summary>
45: public static void CreateGeneralUse(string pathSourceFile)
46: {
47: CreateGeneralUse(pathSourceFile, pathSourceFile, -1, -1);
48: }
50: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52: /// <summary>
53: ///
54: /// </summary>
55: public static void CreateGeneralUse(string pathSourceFile, string pathDestinationPath)
56: {
57: CreateGeneralUse(pathSourceFile, pathDestinationPath, -1, -1);
58: }
60: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62: /// <summary>
63: ///
64: /// </summary>
65: public static void CreateGeneralUse(string sourceFilePath, string destinationPath, int num, int suffix)
66: {
67: // resize main image and generate images of the different formats
68: string name, extension;//, absolutePath;
70: // we will check if paths are absolute or relative and adjust them accordingly.
72: sourceFilePath = AbsolutePath(sourceFilePath);
73: destinationPath = AbsolutePath(destinationPath);
75: try
76: {
77: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sourceFilePath);
79: extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sourceFilePath);
80: extension = extension.ToLower();
82: // this solves a bug:
83: image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
84: image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
86: // below; this generates images that assume the original image has dimentions ration of 4:3 (1024:768)
87: // generate tiny, small, middle, and large size images and the sample image:
89: // this will generate images that have a fixed "area". This will preserve the original width-height ratio, but will
90: // also give a scaled, suitable versions:
92: // note that if w0*h0=A0 and w*h=Af, then h=h0*(sqrt(Af))/(sqrt(A)) and w=w0*(sqrt(Af))/(sqrt(A))
94: double w, h, A, Af, r, w2, h2;
95: w = image.Width; h = image.Height;
96: A = w * h;
98: System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort dummyCallBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
100: Af = 640 * 480;
101: if (Af > A) Af = A;
102: r = Math.Sqrt(Af) / Math.Sqrt(A);
103: System.Drawing.Image veryLarge = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w * r), Convert.ToInt32(h * r), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
105: Af = 400 * 300;
106: if (Af > A) Af = A;
107: r = Math.Sqrt(Af) / Math.Sqrt(A);
108: System.Drawing.Image large = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w * r), Convert.ToInt32(h * r), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
110: Af = 200 * 150;
111: if (Af > A) Af = A;
112: r = Math.Sqrt(Af) / Math.Sqrt(A);
113: System.Drawing.Image middle = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w * r), Convert.ToInt32(h * r), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
115: Af = 120 * 90;
116: if (Af > A) Af = A;
117: r = Math.Sqrt(Af) / Math.Sqrt(A);
118: System.Drawing.Image small = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w * r), Convert.ToInt32(h * r), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
120: Af = 80 * 60;
121: if (Af > A) Af = A;
122: r = Math.Sqrt(Af) / Math.Sqrt(A);
123: System.Drawing.Image tiny = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w * r), Convert.ToInt32(h * r), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
125: // this saves an exact size version:
126: System.Drawing.Image same = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w), Convert.ToInt32(h), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
128: // the methods below will generate images with fixed width and varying high. Width range from 75 to 500.
129: System.Drawing.Image image500, image400, image250, image100, image75;
131: w2 = 500;
132: h2 = w2 * h / w;
133: image500 = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w2), Convert.ToInt32(h2), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
135: w2 = 400;
136: h2 = w2 * h / w;
137: image400 = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w2), Convert.ToInt32(h2), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
139: w2 = 250;
140: h2 = w2 * h / w;
141: image250 = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w2), Convert.ToInt32(h2), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
143: w2 = 100;
144: h2 = w2 * h / w;
145: image100 = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w2), Convert.ToInt32(h2), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
147: w2 = 75;
148: h2 = w2 * h / w;
149: image75 = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(w2), Convert.ToInt32(h2), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
151: if (num < 0 && suffix < 0)
152: {
153: name = destinationPath.Replace(".jpg", "");
154: }
155: else if (num < 0) name = destinationPath + "_" + suffix;
156: else if (suffix < 0) name = destinationPath + "_" + num;
157: else name = destinationPath + num + "_" + suffix;
159: //
161: //middle = ImageShadow.OnPaint(middle);
163: // save new images:
165: if (extension == ".jpg")
166: {
167: SaveJpeg(name + "_vl.jpg", veryLarge, 100);
168: SaveJpeg(name + "_l.jpg", large, 100);
169: SaveJpeg(name + "_m.jpg", middle, 100);
170: SaveJpeg(name + "_s.jpg", small, 100);
171: SaveJpeg(name + "_t.jpg", tiny, 100);
172: SaveJpeg(name + ".jpg", same, 100);
174: SaveJpeg(name + "_500.jpg", image500, 100);
175: SaveJpeg(name + "_400.jpg", image400, 100);
176: SaveJpeg(name + "_250.jpg", image250, 100);
177: SaveJpeg(name + "_100.jpg", image100, 100);
178: SaveJpeg(name + "_75.jpg", image75, 100);
179: }
180: else
181: {
182: veryLarge.Save(name + "_vl.png", ImageFormat.Png);
183: veryLarge.Dispose();
185: large.Save(name + "_l.png", ImageFormat.Png);
186: large.Dispose();
188: middle.Save(name + "_m.png", ImageFormat.Png);
189: middle.Dispose();
191: small.Save(name + "_s.png", ImageFormat.Png);
192: small.Dispose();
194: tiny.Save(name + "_t.png", ImageFormat.Png);
195: tiny.Dispose();
197: same.Save(name + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
198: same.Dispose();
201: image500.Save(name + "_500.png", ImageFormat.Png);
202: image500.Dispose();
204: image400.Save(name + "_400.png", ImageFormat.Png);
205: image400.Dispose();
207: image250.Save(name + "_250.png", ImageFormat.Png);
208: image250.Dispose();
210: image100.Save(name + "_100.png", ImageFormat.Png);
211: image100.Dispose();
213: image75.Save(name + "_75.png", ImageFormat.Png);
214: image75.Dispose();
215: }
217: image.Dispose();
218: }
219: catch (Exception)
220: {
221: }
222: }
224: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
226: /// <summary>
227: ///
228: /// </summary>
229: public static Bitmap CropImage2(Bitmap source, Rectangle section)
230: {
231: // bad, give bad results
232: //
234: var bitmap = new Bitmap(section.Width, section.Height);
235: using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
236: {
237: g.DrawImage(source, 0, 0, section, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
238: return bitmap;
239: }
240: }
242: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
244: /// <summary>
245: ///
246: /// </summary>
247: public static Bitmap CropImage(Bitmap source, Rectangle section)
248: {
249: //
251: Bitmap image = source.Clone(section, source.PixelFormat);
253: return image;
254: }
256: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
258: /// <summary>
259: ///
260: /// </summary>
261: public static Bitmap ResizeImage(Bitmap bmp, int width, int height)
262: {
263: //
264: Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);
265: using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
266: {
267: graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, width, height);
268: }
269: return bitmap;
270: }
272: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
274: /// <summary>
275: ///
276: /// </summary>
277: public static void CropToTheBiggestSquareCenteredInTheMiddleThenResizeToSquareWithSideLength(string sourceFile, string destinationFile, int squareSideLength)
278: {
279: Bitmap image = new Bitmap(sourceFile);
281: if (image.Width > squareSideLength && image.Height > squareSideLength)
282: {
283: var minOfWidthOrHeight = Math.Min(image.Width, image.Height);
285: Rectangle section = new Rectangle(new Point(image.Width / 2 - minOfWidthOrHeight / 2, image.Height / 2 - minOfWidthOrHeight / 2), new Size(minOfWidthOrHeight, minOfWidthOrHeight));
287: Bitmap croppedImage = CropImage(image, section);
289: croppedImage.Save(destinationFile);
291: Bitmap resizedCroppedImage = ResizeImage(croppedImage, squareSideLength, squareSideLength);
293: resizedCroppedImage.Save(destinationFile);
294: }
295: else
296: {
297: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Square side larger than image side");
298: }
300: /*
301: var sourceImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sourceFile);
303: var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sourceFile);
304: var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile);
305: extension = extension.ToLower();
307: // this solves a bug:
308: sourceImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
309: sourceImage.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
311: var dummyCallBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
313: if (sourceImage.Width > squareSideLength && sourceImage.Height > squareSideLength)
314: {
315: var sample = sourceImage.GetThumbnailImage(squareSideLength, squareSideLength, dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
317: var graphic = Graphics.FromImage(sample);
319: var i = (sourceImage.Width > sourceImage.Height) ? sourceImage.Height : sourceImage.Width;
321: try
322: {
323: var dest = new RectangleF(sourceImage.Height / 2, sourceImage.Width / 2, squareSideLength, squareSideLength);
324: var source = new RectangleF(sourceImage.Height / 2, sourceImage.Width / 2, i, i);
325: graphic.DrawImage(sourceImage, dest, source, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
327: if (extension == ".jpg") sample.Save(destinationFile, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
328: else sample.Save(destinationFile, ImageFormat.Png);
330: sample.Dispose();
331: }
332: catch (Exception)
333: {
334: //result_l.Text += " "+ex.ToString();
335: }
336: finally
337: {
338: if (null != graphic) graphic.Dispose();
339: }
340: }
341: else
342: {
343: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Square side larger than image side");
344: }
345: */
346: }
348: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
350: /// <summary>
351: ///
352: /// </summary>
353: public static void CutoutWithWidthAndHeight(string sourceFile, string destinationFile, int width, int height)
354: {
355: var image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sourceFile);
357: var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sourceFile);
358: var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile);
359: extension = extension.ToLower();
361: // this solves a bug:
362: image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
363: image.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);
365: var dummyCallBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
367: if (image.Width > width && image.Height > height)
368: {
369: var imageN = image.GetThumbnailImage(Convert.ToInt32(image.Width), Convert.ToInt32(image.Height), dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
371: if (extension == ".jpg")
372: {
373: SaveJpeg(destinationFile, imageN, 100);
374: }
375: else
376: {
377: imageN.Save(destinationFile, ImageFormat.Png);
378: imageN.Dispose();
379: }
380: }
381: else
382: {
383: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Square side larger than image side");
384: }
385: }
387: /*
388: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
390: /// <summary>
391: ///
392: /// </summary>
394: public class ImageShadow : Image
395: {
396: private Color _panelColor;
398: public Color PanelColor
399: {
400: get { return _panelColor; }
401: set { _panelColor = value; }
402: }
404: private Color _borderColor;
406: public Color BorderColor
407: {
408: get { return _borderColor; }
409: set { _borderColor = value; }
410: }
412: private int shadowSize = 5;
413: private int shadowMargin = 2;
415: // static for good perfomance
416: static Image shadowDownRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ImageShadow), "Images.tshadowdownright.png");
417: static Image shadowDownLeft = new Bitmap(typeof(ImageShadow), "Images.tshadowdownleft.png");
418: static Image shadowDown = new Bitmap(typeof(ImageShadow), "Images.tshadowdown.png");
419: static Image shadowRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ImageShadow), "Images.tshadowright.png");
420: static Image shadowTopRight = new Bitmap(typeof(ImageShadow), "Images.tshadowtopright.png");
422: public ImageShadow()
423: {
424: }
426: public static System.Drawing.Image OnPaint(System.Drawing.Image i)
427: {
428: // Get the graphics object. We need something to draw with ;-)
429: Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(i);
431: // Create tiled brushes for the shadow on the right and at the bottom.
432: TextureBrush shadowRightBrush = new TextureBrush(shadowRight, WrapMode.Tile);
433: TextureBrush shadowDownBrush = new TextureBrush(shadowDown, WrapMode.Tile);
435: // Translate (move) the brushes so the top or left of the image matches the top or left of the
436: // area where it's drawed. If you don't understand why this is necessary, comment it out.
437: // Hint: The tiling would start at 0,0 of the control, so the shadows will be offset a little.
438: shadowDownBrush.TranslateTransform(0, Height - shadowSize);
439: shadowRightBrush.TranslateTransform(Width - shadowSize, 0);
441: // Define the rectangles that will be filled with the brush.
442: // (where the shadow is drawn)
443: Rectangle shadowDownRectangle = new Rectangle(
444: shadowSize + shadowMargin, // X
445: Height - shadowSize, // Y
446: Width - (shadowSize * 2 + shadowMargin), // width (stretches)
447: shadowSize // height
448: );
450: Rectangle shadowRightRectangle = new Rectangle(
451: Width - shadowSize, // X
452: shadowSize + shadowMargin, // Y
453: shadowSize, // width
454: Height - (shadowSize * 2 + shadowMargin) // height (stretches)
455: );
457: // And draw the shadow on the right and at the bottom.
458: g.FillRectangle(shadowDownBrush, shadowDownRectangle);
459: g.FillRectangle(shadowRightBrush, shadowRightRectangle);
461: // Now for the corners, draw the 3 5x5 pixel images.
462: g.DrawImage(shadowTopRight, new Rectangle(Width - shadowSize, shadowMargin, shadowSize, shadowSize));
463: g.DrawImage(shadowDownRight, new Rectangle(Width - shadowSize, Height - shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize));
464: g.DrawImage(shadowDownLeft, new Rectangle(shadowMargin, Height - shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize));
466: // Fill the area inside with the color in the PanelColor property.
467: // 1 pixel is added to everything to make the rectangle smaller.
468: // This is because the 1 pixel border is actually drawn outside the rectangle.
469: Rectangle fullRectangle = new Rectangle(
470: 1, // X
471: 1, // Y
472: Width - (shadowSize + 2), // Width
473: Height - (shadowSize + 2) // Height
474: );
476: if (PanelColor != null)
477: {
478: SolidBrush bgBrush = new SolidBrush(_panelColor);
479: g.FillRectangle(bgBrush, fullRectangle);
480: }
482: // Draw a nice 1 pixel border it a BorderColor is specified
483: if (_borderColor != null)
484: {
485: Pen borderPen = new Pen(BorderColor);
486: g.DrawRectangle(borderPen, fullRectangle);
487: }
489: // Memory efficiency
490: shadowDownBrush.Dispose();
491: shadowRightBrush.Dispose();
493: shadowDownBrush = null;
494: shadowRightBrush = null;
495: }
496: }
498: */
500: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
502: /// <summary>
503: ///
504: /// </summary>
505: private static bool SaveJpeg(string fileName, System.Drawing.Image image, long nQuality)
506: {
507: //Syntax: SaveJpeg(filename, image object, quality (1-100))
509: try
510: {
511: // Build image encoder detail
512: var encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
513: var encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
514: encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, nQuality);
516: // Data used "System.Drawing.Imaging" because there is another Encoder in System.Text
518: // Get jpg format id
519: foreach (var encoder in encoders)
520: {
521: if (encoder.MimeType == "image/jpeg")
522: {
523: image.Save(fileName, encoder, encoderParameters);
525: image.Dispose();
527: return true;
528: }
529: }
530: }
531: catch (Exception)
532: {
534: }
536: return false;
537: }
539: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
541: /// <summary>
542: ///
543: /// </summary>
544: public static void DeleteGeneralUse(string relativePath, int num, int suffix)
545: {
546: int count;
547: string name, absolutePath, r;
548: string[] p;
550: absolutePath = AbsolutePath();
552: if (num < 0 && suffix < 0) name = absolutePath + relativePath;
553: else if (num < 0) name = absolutePath + relativePath + "_" + suffix;
554: else if (suffix < 0) name = absolutePath + relativePath + "_" + num;
555: else name = absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + suffix;
557: File.Delete(name + "_vl.jpg");
558: File.Delete(name + "_l.jpg");
559: File.Delete(name + "_m.jpg");
560: File.Delete(name + "_s.jpg");
561: File.Delete(name + "_t.jpg");
562: File.Delete(name + ".jpg");
564: File.Delete(name + "_500.jpg");
565: File.Delete(name + "_400.jpg");
566: File.Delete(name + "_250.jpg");
567: File.Delete(name + "_100.jpg");
568: File.Delete(name + "_75.jpg");
570: // rearrange images so they stay in sequence
571: try
572: {
573: // rename all following images so that they fill the name of the missing image:
574: // count images:
575: p = Directory.GetFiles(absolutePath + relativePath, num + @"_*_t.jpg");
577: count = p.Length;
579: for (int i = suffix; i < count; i++)
580: {
581: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_vl.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_vl.jpg");
582: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_l.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_l.jpg");
583: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_m.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_m.jpg");
584: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_s.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_s.jpg");
585: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_t.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_t.jpg");
586: //File.Move(absolutePath + relative_path + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_sample.jpg", absolutePath + relative_path + num + "_" + i + "_sample.jpg");
587: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + ".jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + ".jpg");
589: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_500.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_500.jpg");
590: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_400.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_400.jpg");
591: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_250.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_250.jpg");
592: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_100.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_100.jpg");
593: File.Move(absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + (i + 1) + "_75.jpg", absolutePath + relativePath + num + "_" + i + "_75.jpg");
594: }
595: }
596: catch (Exception ex)
597: {
598: #if DEBUG
599: r = "Error: " + ex.ToString();
600: #else
601: r = "Error: " + ex.Message;
602: #endif
603: }
604: finally
605: {
606: }
607: }
609: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611: /// <summary>
612: ///
613: /// </summary>
614: public static void DeleteGeneralUse(string relative_path, int num)
615: {
616: string absolutePath;
618: absolutePath = AbsolutePath();
620: foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(absolutePath + relative_path, num + "_*.jpg"))
621: {
622: System.IO.File.Delete(file);
623: }
624: }
626: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
628: /// <summary>
629: ///
630: /// </summary>
631: public static void MoveGeneralUse(string relative_path, int num, int suffix_old, int suffix_new)
632: {
633: string name, name_new, absolutePath;
635: absolutePath = AbsolutePath();
637: if (num < 0 && suffix_old < 0)
638: {
639: name = name_new = absolutePath + relative_path;
640: }
641: else if (num < 0)
642: {
643: name = absolutePath + relative_path + "_" + suffix_old;
644: name_new = absolutePath + relative_path + "_" + suffix_new;
645: }
646: else if (suffix_old < 0)
647: {
648: name = name_new = absolutePath + relative_path + "_" + num;
649: }
650: else
651: {
652: name = absolutePath + relative_path + num + "_" + suffix_old;
653: name_new = absolutePath + relative_path + num + "_" + suffix_new;
654: }
656: File.Move(name + "_vl.jpg", name_new + "_vl.jpg");
657: File.Move(name + "_l.jpg", name_new + "_l.jpg");
658: File.Move(name + "_m.jpg", name_new + "_m.jpg");
659: File.Move(name + "_s.jpg", name_new + "_s.jpg");
660: File.Move(name + "_t.jpg", name_new + "_t.jpg");
661: File.Move(name + ".jpg", name_new + ".jpg");
663: File.Move(name + "_500.jpg", name_new + "_500.jpg");
664: File.Move(name + "_400.jpg", name_new + "_400.jpg");
665: File.Move(name + "_250.jpg", name_new + "_250.jpg");
666: File.Move(name + "_100.jpg", name_new + "_100.jpg");
667: File.Move(name + "_75.jpg", name_new + "_75.jpg");
668: }
670: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
672: /// <summary>
673: ///
674: /// </summary>
675: public static int CountGeneralUse(string relative_path, int num)
676: {
677: int count;
678: string absolutePath, r;
679: string[] p;
681: count = 0;
682: absolutePath = AbsolutePath();
684: try
685: {
686: // count images:
687: p = Directory.GetFiles(absolutePath + relative_path, num + @"_*_t.jpg");
689: count = p.Length;
690: }
691: catch (Exception ex)
692: {
693: #if DEBUG
694: r = "Error: " + ex.ToString();
695: #else
696: r = "Error: " + ex.Message;
697: #endif
698: }
699: finally
700: {
701: }
703: return count;
704: }
706: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
708: /// <summary>
709: ///
710: /// </summary>
711: private static bool ThumbnailCallback()
712: {
713: return false;
714: }
716: /*
717: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
718: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
720: /// <summary>
721: ///
722: /// </summary>
723: public static string Default(string file)
724: {
725: string line;
727: try
728: {
729: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
730: line = "<img src=\"" + file + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" border=0>";
731: image.Dispose();
732: }
733: catch
734: {
735: line = ""; //" ";
736: }
738: return line;
739: }
741: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
743: /// <summary>
744: ///
745: /// </summary>
746: public static string Url(string file, string url)
747: {
748: string line;
750: try
751: {
752: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
753: line = "<a href=" + url + "><img src=\"" + file + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" border=0></a>";
754: image.Dispose();
755: }
756: catch
757: {
758: line = ""; //" ";
759: }
761: return line;
762: }
764: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
766: /// <summary>
767: ///
768: /// </summary>
769: public static string Shadowed(string file)
770: {
771: // produce an image with nice shadow for a ltr document:
772: string line;
774: try
775: {
776: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
778: line = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><img src=\"" + file + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" border=0/></td><td width=5 height=5 valign=top background=image/shadow_ver_ltr.jpg><img src=image/shadow_ver_top_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td></tr><tr><td background=image/shadow_hor_ltr.jpg align=left><img src=image/shadow_hor_left_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td><td width=5 height=5><img src=image/shadow_corner_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td></tr></table>";
780: /*
781: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
782: <tr>
783: <td style="width:5px;height:5;vertical-align:top;background-image:url(../image/shadow_ver.jpg)"><img src="../image/shadow_ver_top.jpg" style="width:5px;height:5" alt=""></td>
784: <td><a href="@photo" /></td>
785: </tr>
786: <tr>
787: <td style="width:5px;height:5"><img src="../image/shadow_corner.jpg" style="width:5px;height:5" alt=""></td>
788: <td style="text-align:right;background-image:url(../image/shadow_hor.jpg)"><img src="../image/shadow_hor_left.jpg" style="width:5px;height:5" alt=""></td>
789: </tr>
790: </table>
792: * /
794: /*
795: line = "<div id=\"image_shadowed\" style=\"position:relative\">"+
796: "<img src=\""+file+"\" style=\"position:absolute:left:0px;top:0px;width:"+image.Width+"px;height:"+image.Height+"px\"/>"+
797: "<img src=image/shadow_ver_top_ltr.jpg style=\"position:absolute;left:"+image.Width+"px;top:0px;width:5px;height:5px\"/>"+
798: "<img style=\"position:absolute;left:"+image.Width+"px;top:5px;width:5px;height:"+(image.Height-5)+"px;background-image:url(image/shadow_ver_ltr.jpg)\"/>"+
799: "<img src=image/shadow_hor_left_ltr.jpg style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:"+image.Height+"px;width:5px;height:5px\"/>"+
800: "<img style=\"position:absolute;left:5px;top:"+image.Height+";width:"+(image.Width-5)+"px;height:5px;background-image:url(image/shadow_hor_ltr.jpg)\"/>"+
801: "<img src=image/shadow_corner_ltr.jpg style=\"position:absolute;left:"+image.Width+"px;top:"+image.Height+"px;width:5px;height:5px\"/>"+
802: "</div>";
804: * /
806: image.Dispose();
807: }
808: catch
809: {
810: line = ""; //" ";
811: }
813: return line;
814: }
815: */
817: /*
818: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
820: /// <summary>
821: /// Add shadows to image. This does not display well on Chrome
822: /// </summary>
823: public static string ShadowedUrl(System.Web.UI.Page page, string file, string url)
824: {
825: string line;
827: try
828: {
829: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
831: line = "<table class=shadow cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><a href=" + url + "><img src=\"" + Ia.Cl.Models.Default.AbsolutePathUrl(page, file) + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" border=0/></a></td><td width=5 height=5 valign=top background=" + page.ResolveClientUrl("~/image/shadow_ver_ltr.jpg") + "><img src=" + page.ResolveClientUrl("~/image/shadow_ver_top_ltr.jpg") + " width=5 height=5></td></tr>" +
832: "<tr><td background=" + page.ResolveClientUrl("~/image/shadow_horizontal.jpg") + " align=right><img src=" + page.ResolveClientUrl("~/image/shadow_hor_left_ltr.jpg") + " width=5 height=5></td><td width=5 height=5><img src=" + page.ResolveClientUrl("~/image/shadow_corner_ltr.jpg") + " width=5 height=5></td></tr></table>";
834: image.Dispose();
835: }
836: catch
837: {
838: line = ""; //" ";
839: }
841: return line;
842: }
843: */
845: /*
846: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
848: /// <summary>
849: ///
850: /// </summary>
851: public static string TransparentPng(System.Web.UI.Page p, string file)
852: {
853: // produce div with a transparent PNG part showing
854: string line, imageUrl;
856: imageUrl = Ia.Cl.Models.Default.AbsoluteUrl(p) + file;
858: try
859: {
860: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
861: line = "<div style=\"width:" + image.Width + ";height:" + image.Height + ";filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + imageUrl + "');\"><img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" style=\"filter:Alpha(opacity=0)\"/></div>";
862: image.Dispose();
863: }
864: catch
865: {
866: line = ""; //" ";
867: }
869: return line;
870: }
871: */
873: /*
874: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
876: /// <summary>
877: ///
878: /// </summary>
879: public static string TransparentPngShadowedUrl(System.Web.UI.Page p, string file, string navigate_url)
880: {
881: // produce div with a transparent PNG part showing and shadowed borders
882: string line, imageUrl;
884: imageUrl = Ia.Cl.Models.Default.AbsoluteUrl(p) + file;
886: try
887: {
888: System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/" + file));
889: line = "<div style=\"width:" + image.Width + ";height:" + image.Height + ";filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + imageUrl + "');\"><img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"" + image.Width + "\" height=\"" + image.Height + "\" style=\"filter:Alpha(opacity=0)\"/></div>";
890: line = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td style=\"cursor:hand;\"><a href=" + navigate_url + ">" + line + " </a></td><td width=5 height=5 valign=top background=image/shadow_ver_ltr.jpg><img src=image/shadow_ver_top_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td></tr><tr><td background=image/shadow_hor_ltr.jpg align=left><img src=image/shadow_hor_left_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td><td width=5 height=5><img src=image/shadow_corner_ltr.jpg width=5 height=5></td></tr></table>";
891: image.Dispose();
892: }
893: catch
894: {
895: line = ""; //" ";
896: }
898: return line;
899: }
900: */
902: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
904: /// <summary>
905: /// Compare two bitmap images and return true if they match
906: /// </summary>
907: public static bool Compare(Bitmap bmp1, Bitmap bmp2)
908: {
909: //
911: bool b;
913: b = true;
915: // test to see if we have the same size of image
916: if (bmp1.Size != bmp2.Size) b = false;
917: else
918: {
919: // convert each image to a byte array
921: System.Drawing.ImageConverter ic = new System.Drawing.ImageConverter();
923: byte[] btImage1 = new byte[1];
924: btImage1 = (byte[])ic.ConvertTo(bmp1, btImage1.GetType());
926: byte[] btImage2 = new byte[1];
927: btImage2 = (byte[])ic.ConvertTo(bmp2, btImage2.GetType());
929: // compute a hash for each image
930: SHA256Managed shaM = new SHA256Managed();
931: byte[] hash1 = shaM.ComputeHash(btImage1);
932: byte[] hash2 = shaM.ComputeHash(btImage2);
934: // compare the hash values
935: for (int i = 0; i < hash1.Length && i < hash2.Length && b; i++) if (hash1[i] != hash2[i]) b = false;
936: }
938: return b;
939: }
941: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
943: /// <summary>
944: /// Check
945: /// </summary>
946: private static string AbsolutePath(string relativeOrAbsolutePath)
947: {
948: string path;
950: if (relativeOrAbsolutePath.Contains(":"))
951: {
952: // this is an absolute path and we will return it
953: path = relativeOrAbsolutePath;
954: }
955: else
956: {
957: // this is a relative path and we will add to it the absolute path
958: path = AbsolutePath() + relativeOrAbsolutePath;
959: }
961: return path;
962: }
964: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
966: /// <summary>
967: /// Return the absolute path
968: /// </summary>
969: private static string AbsolutePath()
970: {
971: string path;
973: #if WFA
974: if (System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) path = System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory + @"\";
975: else path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
976: #else
977: path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString();
978: #endif
980: return path;
981: }
983: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
985: /// <summary>
986: ///
987: /// </summary>
988: public static Bitmap Resize(System.Drawing.Image image, int width, int height)
989: {
990: var destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
991: var destImage = new Bitmap(width, height);
993: destImage.SetResolution(image.HorizontalResolution, image.VerticalResolution);
995: using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(destImage))
996: {
997: graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
998: graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
999: graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
1000: graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
1001: graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
1003: using (var wrapMode = new ImageAttributes())
1004: {
1005: wrapMode.SetWrapMode(WrapMode.TileFlipXY);
1006: graphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapMode);
1007: }
1008: }
1010: return destImage;
1011: }
1013: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1015: /// <summary>
1016: ///
1017: /// </summary>
1018: public static string ImageUrlDataFormat(Bitmap bitmap)
1019: {
1020: return string.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(BitmapToBytes(bitmap)));
1021: }
1023: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1025: /// <summary>
1026: ///
1027: /// </summary>
1028: private static Byte[] BitmapToBytes(Bitmap bitmap)
1029: {
1030: using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
1031: {
1032: bitmap.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
1034: return memoryStream.ToArray();
1035: }
1036: }
1038: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1039: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1040: }
1041: }
- AccessController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Access API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- AuthorizationHeaderHandler () : AuthorizationHeaderHandler class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- Default2Controller (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Default API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- EncryptionController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Cryptography, Encryption Controller
- MaintenanceController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Maintenance API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- ServiceController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Service API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- ServiceRequestController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Service Request API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- ServiceRequestTypeController (Ia.Ftn.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Service Request Type API Controller class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) model.
- Mouse (Ia.Cl.Model) : Windows mouse movements and properties control support class.
- Winapi (Ia.Cl.Model) : WINAPI click events support class.
- Identity (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : ASP.NET Identity support class.
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Access Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ApplicationOperator (Ia.Cl.Models) : ApplicationOperator
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Access support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- AccessIdNddOntEmsInformation (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Access Id Access name DEV FN SN PN ONT Id ONT IP Service Port support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Address (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Address Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Administration (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Administration support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Application) : Default Application network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- Authority (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Authority support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Configuration (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Configuration Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Contact (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Contact support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Default general support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Axe (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Ericsson) : Ericsson AXE support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Ericsson) : AXE Subscriber support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Heartbeat (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Heartbeat information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- Asbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : AGCF Users (ASBR) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Board (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's Board support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Defaul general support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Dev (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's Dev support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ems (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Element Management System (EMS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model
- Mgw (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Media Gateway (MGW) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Nce (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model
- Ont (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's Ont support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- OntSipInfo (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS ONT SIP Info support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Onu (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's ONU support class of Next Generation Network'a (NGN's) business model.
- Owsbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's OwSbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Port (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's Port support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Sbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's Sbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Seruattr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : SERUATTR Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- SoftX (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : U2020 Northbound Interface IP (SoftX) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Sps (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Vag (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VAG Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- VoipPstnUser (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VOIP PSTN User support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model
- Ip (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : IP support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Mail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Mail process support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Maintenance) : Default maintenance network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- Find (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Maintenance) : Find subscriber and network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- Script (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Maintenance) : Script support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) class library model.
- Task (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Maintenance) : Execute backend task support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- DatabaseInformation (Ia.Ftn.Mdaa.Cl.Models.Business) : DatabaseInformation support class for Ministry Database Analysis Application business model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Mdaa) : Default mdaa network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network business model
- MinistryDatabase (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Mdaa) : MinistryDatabase support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- TableInformation (Ia.Ftn.Mdaa.Cl.Models.Business) : TableInformation support class for Ministry Database Analysis Application business model.
- MessageQueue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : MessageQueue support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Migration (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Migration support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- NetworkDesignDocument (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Network Design Document support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- AgcfEndpoint (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : AGCF Endpoint support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- AgcfGatewayRecord (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : AGCF Gateway Records support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- AgcfGatewayTable (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : AGCF Gateway Table support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ams (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : Access Management System (AMS) support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- AmsTransaction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia.Business) : Nokia AmsTransaction Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ont (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : ONT support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia business model.
- OntOntPots (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : ONT-ONTPOTS support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia business model.
- OntServiceHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Business.Nokia) : ONT-SERVICEHSI support class of Next Generation Network'a (NGN's) Nokia business model.
- OntServiceVoip (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : ONT-SERVICEVOIP support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia business model.
- Sdc (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- SubParty (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : SubParty support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Nokia) : Subscriber support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Procedure (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Provision support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Provision (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Provision support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Report (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Report support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Secretary (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Secretary support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Service (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Service2 (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceAddress (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : ServiceAddress Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequest (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestAdministrativeIssue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request Administrative Issue support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestHistory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request History support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Business) : Service Request Hsi support class of Next Generation Network'a (NGN's) business model.
- ServiceRequestOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request Ont support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestOntDetail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request Ont Detail support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestService (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request Service support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestStatisticalVariable (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : ServiceRequestStatisticalVariable support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceRequestType (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Request Type support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceSerialRequestService (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Service Serial Request Service support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- ServiceServiceRequestOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : ServiceServiceRequestOnt support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Ewsd (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Siemens) : Nokia's Siemens EWSD support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business.Siemens) : EWSD Subscriber support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Transction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Business) : Transction support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business model.
- Axe (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Ericsson) : Ericsson's AXE support class for Ericsson's PSTN Exchange Migration to Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) client model.
- Ems (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Huawei) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) client support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) EMS client model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Huawei) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) client support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) client model.
- SoftX (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Huawei) : U2020 Northbound Interface IP (SoftX) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) client model.
- Sps (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Huawei) : Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) SPS client model.
- Ams (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) client support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) AMS client model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) client support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) client model.
- Sdc (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) client support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) client model.
- TelnetModel (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Client) : This class encapsulates the Model part of the Model-View-Controller design pattern, and is used by samples that utilize the PowerTCP Telnet component (part of the Emulation for .NET and Telnet for .NET products). This class can be added to additional applications without the need for cut-and-paste. Note that because this class is used in both the Emulation and Telnet product samples, a compile-time directive indicates which namespace to use (Dart.Emulation or Dart.Telnet).
- Contact (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Contact Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Access support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Administration (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Administration support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Contact (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Contact Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Default support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Axe (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Ericsson) : Ericsson AXE support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Ericsson) : AXE Subscriber support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Event (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Nokia AMS Event support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Guide (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Guide support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Help (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Help class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Asbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : AGCF Users (ASBR) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Board (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Board support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Defaul general support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Dev (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Dev support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ems (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Access Management System (AMS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model
- Mgw (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Media Gateway (MGW) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ont (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Ont support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- OntSipInfo (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS ONT SIP INFO support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Onu (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Data.Huawei) : Huawei ONU support class for Next Generation Network (NGN) data model.
- Owsbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Owsbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Port (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Port support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Sbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's Sbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Seruattr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : SERUATTR Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- SoftX (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : U2020 Northbound Interface IP (SoftX) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Sps (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Vag (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VAG Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- VoipPstnUser (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VOIP PSTN User support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model
- Mail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Mail class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Cache (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Data.Maintenance) : Cache support class for the Next Generation Network data model
- Find (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Maintenance) : Find subscriber and network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network data model
- MinistryDatabase (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : MinistryDatabase support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- MessageQueue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : MessageQueue support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Migration (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Migration support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Miscellaneous (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Miscellaneous Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- NetworkDesignDocument (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Network Design Document support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- AgcfEndpoint (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : AGCF Endpoint support class for Nokia data model.
- AgcfGatewayRecord (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : AGCF Gateway Records support class for Nokia data model.
- Ams (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Access Management System (AMS) support class for Nokia data model.
- AmsTransaction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Nokia AmsTransaction Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Defaul general support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ims (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ont (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : ONT support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia data model.
- OntOntPots (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : ONT-ONTPOTS support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia data model.
- OntServiceHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Data.Nokia) : ONT-SERVICEHSI support class for Next Generation Network (NGN) Nokia data model.
- OntServiceVoip (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : ONT-SERVICEVOIP support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Nokia data model.
- Sdc (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Fixed Telecommunications Network's Operations Support System Management Intranet (FTN OSS) support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- SubParty (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : SubParty support class for Nokia's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Nokia) : Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Pots (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : POTS legacy support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Provision (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Provision support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Report (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Report support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ReportHistory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Report History support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Secretary (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Secretary support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Service (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Service2 (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceExemption (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : ServiceExemption Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceInitialState (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Data) : Service Initial State Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) data model.
- ServiceRequest (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestAdministrativeIssue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request Administrative Issue support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestHistory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request History support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Data) : Service Request Hsi support class for Next Generation Network (NGN) data model.
- ServiceRequestOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request Ont support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestOntDetail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request Ont Detail support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestService (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request Service support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- ServiceRequestType (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Service Request Type support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Ewsd (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Siemens) : Nokia's Siemens EWSD support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data.Siemens) : EWSD Subscriber support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- StaffIdentityUser (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Staff Support Class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data Model.
- Transaction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Data) : Transaction support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) data model.
- AxeSubscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ericsson) : AXE Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Event (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Event Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Asbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's AGCF Users (ASBR) Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsBoard (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS Board Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsDev (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS Dev Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS Ont Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsOntSipInfo (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS ONT SIP INFO Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsPort (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS Port Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsVag (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VAG Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EmsVoipPstnUser (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS VOIP PSTN User Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Mgw (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's Media Gateway (MGW) Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Msan (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Huawei) : Huawei's Msan Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- Onu (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Huawei) : Huawei's ONU Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- Owsbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's Owsbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Sbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : Huawei's Sbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Seruattr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Huawei) : SERUATTR Signaling Service Processing System (SPS) support class for Huawei's Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Inventory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Inventory Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- LogicalCircuit (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Models) : Logical-Circuit Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- Miscellaneous (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Miscellaneous Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- NddPon (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Models.NetworkDesignDocument) : Network Design Document support class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- AgcfEndpoint (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia) : AGCF Endpoint Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- AgcfGatewayRecord (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia) : AGCF Gateway Record Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- AlInitialInstallation (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.AlcatelLucent) : Alcatel-Lucent Initial Installation Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- AmsTransaction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia) : Nokia AmsTransaction Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- SubParty (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia) : SubParty Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Nokia) : Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Ont (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : ONT Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- OntOntPots (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : ONT-ONTPOTS Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- OntServiceHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Models) : ONT-SERVICEHSI Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- OntServiceVoip (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : ONT-SERVICEVOIP Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Report (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Report Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ReportHistory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Report History Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Service2 (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceExemption (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : ServiceExemption Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceInitialState (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Models) : Service Initial State Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- ServiceRequest (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestAdministrativeIssue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Administrative Issue Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestHistory (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request History Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestHsi (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Hsi Entity Framework class for Next Generation Network (NGN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Ont Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestOntDetail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Ont Detail Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestService (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Service Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- ServiceRequestType (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Service Request Type Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- EwsdSubscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Siemens) : EWSD Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- StaffIdentityUser (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Staff Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Chat (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Telegram) : Telegram Chat/Group/User support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) business and data model.
- Transaction (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models) : Transaction Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) entity model.
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Access support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Administration) : Administration support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Framework (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Administration) : Network Design Document support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Default support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Ericsson) : AXE Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- EmsOnt (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Huawei) : Huawei's EMS Ont Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- Sbr (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Huawei) : Huawei's Sbr Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- InventoryForDataGridView (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Inventory For DataGridView support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Mail (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Mail process support class of Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- AccessFamilyTypeAreaBlock (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Maintenance) : Maintenance support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Find (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Maintenance) : Find subscriber and network information support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network ui model
- Ams (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Maintenance.Transaction) : Ams support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Maintenance.Report) : Maintenance Report data support class for the Fixed Telecommunications Network ui model
- NetworkDesignDocument (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Network Design Document support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- AgcfEndpoint (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Nokia) : AGCF Endpoint Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- AgcfGatewayRecord (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Nokia) : AGCF Gateway Record Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- SubParty (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Nokia) : SubParty Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Nokia) : Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Performance (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Performance support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Provision) : Access support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Report (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Report support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- ReportAccessServiceRequest (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Report Access Service Request support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- Service2 (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Service class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- ServiceAccessFlatTermId (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : ServiceAccessFlatTermId support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- ServiceRequestAdministrativeIssue (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Service Request Administrative Issue Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- ServiceRequestService (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Service Request Service Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- Subscriber (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui.Siemens) : EWSD Subscriber Entity Framework class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) UI model.
- Text (Ia.Ftn.Cl.Models.Ui) : Text support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) ui model.
- AboutController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- AccountController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- AdministrationController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- AlarmController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- ApplicationController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- ContactController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- HelpController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- HomeController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- IdentityController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- InventoryController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- LegalController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- MaintenanceController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- MaintenanceEventController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- MaintenanceReportController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- MaintenanceScriptController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- ProvisionController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceController (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Controllers) :
- AccessNetwork (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- AccessNetworkViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- AreaReadiness (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- AreaReadinessViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- IndexViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- Kpi (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- KpiViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- Sdc (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- SdcViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- ServiceRequestAdministrativeIssue (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- ServiceStatus (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- ServiceStatusViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- StaffViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- Statistics (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- StatisticsViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Administration) :
- AlarmViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Alarm) :
- Index (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Alarm) :
- ApplicationViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Application) :
- IdentityViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Application) :
- Index (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Application) :
- Index2 (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Application) :
- Administration (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Business) : Administration support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- Contact (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Business) : Contact support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Business) : Administration support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- Script (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Business.Maintenance) : Script support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- Index (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Contact) : Contact support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- ContactViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Contact) :
- Administration (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Data) : Administration support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- Script (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Data) : Script support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models) :
- ChangePasswordViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.IdentityViewModels) :
- LoginViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Identity) :
- ResetPasswordViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.IdentityViewModels) :
- Access (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- AccessViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Bulk (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- BulkViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- FieldTnmdSupplier (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- FieldTnmdSupplierViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Find (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- FindViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Index (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Integrity (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- IntegrityViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- List (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- ListViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- MaintenanceEventViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- MaintenanceViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Performance (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- PerformanceViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Report (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- ReportViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Script (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- ScriptViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Sync (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- SyncViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Table (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- TableViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- Transaction (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- TransactionViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Maintenance) :
- MenuViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models) :
- ParameterViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models) :
- Mail (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- MailViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- Manage (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- ManageViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- Service (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- ServiceViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Access) :
- Lic (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- LicViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- Manage (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Migration) :
- ManageViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision.Migration) :
- Service (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceExemption (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceExemptionViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceRequest (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceRequestServiceAccess (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceRequestServiceAccessViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceRequestViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- ServiceViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Provision) :
- QrCodeViewModel (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Ui) : Default support class for Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN) web application (Intranet) model.
- ServiceAndroidApplicationTrekCountry (Ia.Ftn.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- Mouse (Ia.Cl.Model) : Windows mouse movements and properties control support class.
- Winapi (Ia.Cl.Model) : WINAPI click events support class.
- HomeController (Ia.Hsb.DrugOnCall.Wa.Controllers) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Hsb.DrugOnCall.Wa.Models) :
- HomeViewModel (Ia.Hsb.DrugOnCall.Wa.Models) :
- Ui (Ia.Hsb.DrugOnCall.Wa.Models) :
- HomeController (Ia.Hsb.Pregnalact.Wa.Controllers) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Hsb.Pregnalact.Wa.Models) :
- HomeViewModel (Ia.Hsb.Pregnalact.Wa.Models) :
- Ui (Ia.Hsb.Pregnalact.Wa.Models) :
- AgentController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Agent API Controller class.
- AuthorizationHeaderHandler () :
- DefaultController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Default API Controller class.
- GeoIpController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : GeoIp API Controller class of Internet Application project model.
- HeartbeatController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Heartbeat API Controller class.
- HomeController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) :
- PacketController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Packet API Controller class.
- TempController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers.Db) : DB Temp API Controller class.
- TraceController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Trace API Controller class.
- WeatherController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : OpenWeatherMap API Controller class.
- WebhookController (Ia.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Webhook API Controller class.
- Ui (Ia.Api.Wa.Models) :
- WeatherForecast (Ia.Api.Wa.Models) :
- Webhook (Ia.Api.Wa.Models) :
- HomeController (Ia.Cdn.Wa.Controllers) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Cdn.Wa.Models) :
- ApplicationDbContext (Ia.Cl) :
- ApplicationUser (Ia.Cl) :
- Db (Ia.Cl) :
- DynamicSiteMapProvider () : Sitemap support class.
- Enumeration () : Enumeration class. Extends enumeration to class like behaviour.
- Extention () : Extention methods for different class objects.
- Agent (Ia.Cl.Models) : Agent model
- ApplicationConfiguration (Ia.Cl.Models) : ApplicationConfiguration class.
- Authentication (Ia.Cl.Model) : Manage and verify user logging and passwords. The administrator will define the user's password and logging website. The service will issue a true of false according to authentication.
- Storage (Ia.Cl.Model.Azure) : Azure Cloud related support functions.
- Default (Ia.Cl.Model.Business.Nfc) : Default NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Business functions
- Inventory (Ia.Cl.Model.Business.Nfc) : Inventory NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Business functions
- Tag (Ia.Cl.Model.Business.Nfc) : TAG NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Business functions
- Country (Ia.Cl.Models) : Country geographic coordinates and standard UN naming conventions.
- Germany (Ia.Cl.Models) : German cities and states.
- Kuwait (Ia.Cl.Models) : Kuwait provinces, cities, and areas.
- SaudiArabia (Ia.Cl.Models) : Saudi Arabia provinces, cities, and areas.
- Encryption (Ia.Cl.Models.Cryptography) : Symmetric Key Algorithm (Rijndael/AES) to encrypt and decrypt data.
- Default (Ia.Cl.Models.Data) : Support class for data model
- Default (Ia.Cl.Model.Data.Nfc) : Default NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Data functions
- Inventory (Ia.Cl.Model.Data.Nfc) : Inventory NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Data functions
- Project (Ia.Cl.Model.Nfc.Data) : Project Support class for NFC data model
- Tag (Ia.Cl.Model.Data.Nfc) : TAG NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Data functions
- Msmq (Ia.Cl.Model.Db) : MSMQ Database support class. This handles storing and retrieving MSMQ storage.
- MySql (Ia.Model.Db) : MySQL supporting class.
- Object (Ia.Cl.Model.Db) : Object entity class
- Odbc (Ia.Cl.Model.Db) : ODBC support class.
- OleDb (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : OLEDB support class
- Oracle (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : Oracle support class.
- Sqlite (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : SQLite support class.
- SqlServer (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : SQL Server support class.
- SqlServerCe (Ia.Cs.Db) : SQL Server CE support class.
- Temp (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : Temporary Storage support class.
- Text (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : Text Database support class. This handles storing and retrieving text storage.
- Xml (Ia.Cl.Models.Db) : XML Database support class. This handles storing and retrieving XDocument storage.
- Default (Ia.Cl.Models) : General use static class of common functions used by most applications.
- Gv (Ia.Cl.Models.Design) : ASP.NET design related support class.
- File (Ia.Cl.Models) : File manipulation related support class.
- Ftp (Ia.Cl.Models) : A wrapper class for .NET 2.0 FTP
- Location (Ia.Cl.Models.Geography) : Geographic location related function, location, coordinates (latitude, longitude), bearing, degree and radian conversions, CMap value for resolution, and country geographic info-IP from MaxMind.
- GeoIp (Ia.Cl.Models) : GeoIp class of Internet Application project model.
- Gmail (Ia.Cl.Models) : Gmail API support class
- StaticMap (Ia.Cl.Models.Google) : Google support class.
- Drive (Ia.Cl.Models.Google) : Google Drive Directory and File support class.
- Heartbeat (Ia.Cl.Models) : Heartbeat class.
- Hijri (Ia.Cl.Model) : Hijri date handler class.
- Html (Ia.Cl.Models) : Handle HTML encoding, decoding functions.
- HtmlHelper (Ia.Cl.Models) : HtmlHelper for ASP.Net Core.
- Http (Ia.Cl.Models) : Contains functions that relate to posting and receiving data from remote Internet/Intranet pages
- Identity (Ia.Cl.Models) : ASP.NET Identity support class.
- Image (Ia.Cl.Models) : Image processing support class.
- Imap (Ia.Cl.Models) : IMAP Server Support Class
- Language (Ia.Cl.Models) : Language related support class including langauge list and codes.
- Individual (Ia.Cl.Model.Life) : Individual object.
- Main (Ia.Cl.Models.Life) : General base class for life entities. Make it link through delegates to create and update database objects.
- Log (Ia.Cl.Models) : Log file support class.
- Mouse (Ia.Cl.Models) : Windows mouse movements and properties control support class.
- Newspaper (Ia.Cl.Models) : Newspaper and publication display format support class.
- Inventory (Ia.Cl.Model.Nfc) : Inventory NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Entity functions
- Tag (Ia.Cl.Model.Nfc) : TAG NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) Support Entity functions
- Ocr (Ia.Cl.Models) : Handles OCR operations.
- Packet (Ia.Cl.Models) : Packet model
- PrayerTime (Ia.Cl.Models) : Prayer times support class.
- Punycode (Ia.Cl.Models) : Punycode support class.
- QrCode (Ia.Cl.Models) : QR Code support class.
- RabbitMq (Ia.Cl.Models) : RabbitMQ Messaging and Streaming Broker Support Class.
- Result (Ia.Cl.Models) : Result support class.
- Seo (Ia.Cl.Models) : Search Engine Optimization (SEO) support class.
- Sms (Ia.Cl.Models) : SMS API service support class.
- Smtp (Ia.Cl.Models) : SMTP Server Support Class
- Socket (Ia.Cl.Models) : Search Engine Optimization (SEO) support class.
- Sound (Ia.Cl.Models) : Sound support class.
- Stopwatch (Ia.Cl.Models) : Stopwatch model
- TagHelper (Ia.Cl.Models) : TagHelper for ASP.Net Core.
- Telnet (Ia.Cl.Models) : Telnet communication support class.
- Trace (Ia.Cl.Models) : Trace function to try to identifiy a user using IP addresses, cookies, and session states.
- Default (Ia.Cl.Models.Ui) : Default support UI class
- Upload (Ia.Cl.Model) : Handle file uploading functions.
- Utf8 (Ia.Cl.Models) : Handle UTF8 issues.
- Weather (Ia.Cl.Models) : Weather class
- Winapi (Ia.Cl.Models) : WINAPI click events support class.
- Word (Ia.Cl.Models) : Word object.
- Twitter (Ia.Cl.Models) : Twitter API support class.
- Xml (Ia.Cl.Models) : XML support class.
- Zip (Ia.Cl.Models) : Zip
- AboutController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- AccountController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ApplicationController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ContactController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- HelpController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- HomeController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- IdentityController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- LegalController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- LibraryController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ManageController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- NetworkController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- NgossController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- PortfolioController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceDesignChartController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceDesignController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceMAndroidController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceMController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceMIosController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceNfcController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- SmsController (Ia.Wa.Controllers) :
- ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- ForgotPasswordViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- LoginViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- RegisterViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- ResetPasswordViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- SendCodeViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- UseRecoveryCodeViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- VerifyAuthenticatorCodeViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- VerifyCodeViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.AccountViewModels) :
- Default (Ia.Wa.Models.Business) :
- ContactViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Wa.Models.Data) :
- Portfolio (Ia.Wa.Models.Data) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models) :
- AddPhoneNumberViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- ChangePasswordViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- ConfigureTwoFactorViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- DisplayRecoveryCodesViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- FactorViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- IndexViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- ManageLoginsViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- RemoveLoginViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- SetPasswordViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- VerifyPhoneNumberViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models.ManageViewModels) :
- MenuViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models) :
- ParameterViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models) :
- QrCodeViewModel (Ia.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- ServiceAndroidApplicationTrekCountry (Ia.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- AuthMessageSender (IdentitySample.Services) :
- DefaultController (Ia.Ngn.Cl.Model.Api.Controller) : Service Suspension API Controller class of Next Generation Network'a (NGN's) model.
- KoranController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Cl.Model.Api.Controller) : Koran API Controller class of Islamic Koran Reference Network project model.
- PrayerTimeController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Cl.Model.Api.Controller) : Prayer Time API Controller class of Islamic Koran Reference Network project model.
- ApplicationController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Controllers) :
- HomeController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Controllers) :
- ApplicationViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Models) :
- Business (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Models) : Koran Reference Network support functions: Business model
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Models) :
- HomeViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Models) :
- VerseCheckboxViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Belief.Wa.Models) :
- KoranDbContext (Ia.Islamic.Cl) : Koran Reference Network Data Context
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Business) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Business model
- PrayerTime (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Cl.Model.Business) : Prayer Time Business class of Islamic Koran Reference Network project model.
- Word (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Business) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: business model
- Chapter (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: data model
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Data model
- Koran (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: data model
- Verse (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: data model
- VerseTopic (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: data model
- Chapter (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : Chapter Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- Koran (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : Koran Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- Verse (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : Verse Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- VerseTopic (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : VerseTopic Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- Word (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : Word Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- WordVerse (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : WordVerse Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Entity model
- Translation (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: Data model
- VerseTopicUi (Ia.Islamic.Cl.Model.Ui) : Koran Reference Network Class Library support functions: UI model
- HomeController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Controllers) :
- KoranController (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Controllers) :
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Model.Business) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Models) :
- KoranViewModel (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wfa.Model.Business) : Koran Reference Network Windows Form support functions: Business model
- Preparation (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wfa.Model.Business) : Koran Reference Network Windows Form support functions: Business model
- Default (Ia.Islamic.Koran.Wfa.Model.Data) : Koran Reference Network Windows Form support functions: Data model
- Kanji (Ia.Learning.Cl.Models.Business) : Kanji business support class
- Kanji (Ia.Learning.Cl.Models.Data) : Kanji support class
- Default (Ia.Learning.Cl.Models) : Default data support functions
- MoeBook (Ia.Learning.Cl.Models) : Ministry of Education Books support class for Learning data model.
- Default (Ia.Learning.Cl.Models.Ui) :
- Business (Ia.Learning.Kafiya.Models) : Default business support class.
- Data (Ia.Learning.Kafiya.Models) : Default data support class.
- HomeController (Ia.Learning.Manhag.Wa.Controllers) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Learning.Manhag.Wa.Models) :
- IndexViewModel (Ia.Learning.Manhag.Wa.Models.Home) :
- DefaultController (Ia.Learning.Kanji.Wa.Controllers) :
- Default (Ia.Learning.Kanji.Models.Business) : Default business support class.
- Index (Ia.Learning.Kanji.Wa.Models.Default) :
- IndexViewModel (Ia.Learning.Kanji.Wa.Models.Default) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Learning.Kanji.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Simple.Cl.Models.Business.SmartDeals) :
- Category (Ia.Simple.Cl.Models.Data.SmartDeals) :
- Default (Ia.Simple.Cl.Models.Data.SmartDeals) :
- Product (Ia.Simple.Cl.Models.Data.SmartDeals) :
- HomeController (Ia.Statistics.Cdn.Wa.Controllers) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.Boutiqaat) : Structure of the website.
- Category (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.Dabdoob) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.EnglishBookshop) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.FantasyWorldToys) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.HsBookstore) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.LuluHypermarket) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.Natureland) : Structure of the website.
- Product (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- ProductPriceSpot (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- ProductPriceStockQuantitySold (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- ProductStockSpot (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) :
- Site (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models) : Site support class for Optical Fiber Network (OFN) data model.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.SultanCenter) : Structure of the website.
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Cl.Models.Taw9eel) : Structure of the website.
- WebDriverExtensions () :
- AboutController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- ContactController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- HelpController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- HomeController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- IdentityController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- LegalController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- ListController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- SearchController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- ServiceController (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Controllers) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Business) :
- ContactViewModel (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Data) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models) :
- Index (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Home) :
- IndexViewModel (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Home) :
- ProductViewModel (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.List) :
- Default (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- ServiceAndroidApplicationTrekCountry (Ia.Statistics.Wa.Models.Ui) :
- DefaultController (Ia.TentPlay.Api.Wa.Controllers) : Trek API Controller class of Tent Play's model.
- ApplicationDbContext (Ia.TentPlay) :
- Db (Ia.TentPlay) :
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business) : Support class for TentPlay business model
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : Support class for TentPlay Trek business model
- Feature (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : Feature class for TentPlay Trek business model
- FeatureClass (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : FeatureClass Support class for TentPlay Trek business model
- FeatureClassDistanceToCapital (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : FeatureClassDistanceToCapital Support class for TentPlay business model
- FeatureDesignation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : FeatureClass Support class for TentPlay Trek business model
- FeatureName (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Business.Trek) : Support class for TentPlay Trek business model
- CompanyInformation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data) : CompanyInformation Support class for TentPlay data model
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data) : Support class for TentPlay data model
- ApplicationInformation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : ApplicationInformation Support class for TentPlay Trek data model
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : Default class for TentPlay Trek data model
- Feature (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : Feature Support class for TentPlay entity data
- FeatureClass (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : FeatureClass Support class for TentPlay Trek business model
- FeatureDesignation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : FeatureDesignation Support class for TentPlay Trek data model
- NgaCountryWaypoint (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Data.Trek) : NgaCountryWaypoint Support class for TentPlay Waypoint entity data
- Score (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Score entity functions
- Feature (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Trek) : Feature Support class for TentPlay entity model
- FeatureDesignation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Trek) : FeatureDesignation Support class for TentPlay Trek entity model
- ApplicationInformation (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : ApplicationInformation Support class for TentPlay Memorise model
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Default class for TentPlay Memorise data model
- German (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : German class
- Kana (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Kana class
- Kanji (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Kanji class
- Math (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Math Class
- MorseCode (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Morse code class
- PhoneticAlphabet (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Phonetic Alphabet
- Russian (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Russian class
- Test (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Memorise) : Test Class
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Cl.Models.Ui.Trek) : Default class for TentPlay Trek UI model
- AboutController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- ContactController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- HelpController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- HomeController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- LegalController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- MemoriseController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- TradeController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- TrekController (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Controllers) :
- ErrorViewModel (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Models) :
- TrekViewModel (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Models) :
- Default (Ia.TentPlay.Wa.Models.Ui) :