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Integrated Applications Programming Company
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We provide excellent Virtual Private Network (VPN) support for all our projects. We use powerfull and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris.

We will securely interconnect different branches of your business in a reliable, persistent VPN connection in any of the following ways and more:

  • Ad-hoc VPN: Make an ad-hoc VPN consisting of a small number of computers.
  • Remote Access to LAN: VPN to connect a client PC to the LAN from anywhere and anytime.
  • LAN to LAN Bridge: Geologically distributed branches are isolated as networks by default. We can provide VPN support to create virtual Ethernet cables between your all branches. Then all computers of all branches are connected to the single LAN.
  • Join a Local PC into Cloud: Your desktop or laptop PC can join into the Cloud VM network. You can make use of Cloud VM as if it is on your own local network easily.
  • Remote Management: With VPN will help you access all network elements from your desk.

We also support limited physical networking (e.g. installation of cables, switches, routers, ...etc.)